Seven Youtube Channels You Must Subscribe To Filmmaking, Camera Review, And Gears.

Gone are the days when learning a new skill required you to enroll in a prestigious school and pay a hefty fee. Here has come the modern days when all you need to know something new is interest or passion. You can thank YouTube and the content creators on them for the evolution. And Oh yeah, the best part about YouTube is that it covers all subjects existing on earth today. So, as a photographer or a filmmaker, the same platform can be of a HUGE help, but then again, only if you know-how. It means good news because now, even if you haven’t known how to create HD stock footage to be able to sell it, these YouTube channels have got you covered. Now learning the latest photography and videography trends or finding the best camera and gears in your budget or for a specific purpose can be done with a click. All you should know is which channels to subscribe on YouTube.

    Waqas Qazi

Waqas Qazi is an expert in Color Grading. A skill that you should attempt to learn only after gaining expertise in-camera techniques. It is an advanced video-editing skill that only a very few extremely professional Royalty-free stock video producers try their hands on. If you are one of those who aim at creating video footage with the potential to be used as movie clips in movies like Joker, Waqas is the guy for you.

    Daniel Schiffer

Meet the guy who takes you ‘behind-the-scenes’ of an exceptionally taken shot. Something that you as a camera person want to go and try to do internships under professionals for. If you are in the learning stage and just thinking of producing royalty-free stock videos, then Daniel is whom you should follow on YouTube. The reason is, unlike most creators, he gives you tips and tricks to shoot excellent videos without spending on equipments. It is not just crucial for saving unnecessary costs but also helps you get ideas for varied shoot locations.

    Sara Dietschy

Sara may not be the typical camera expert like others on the list, but her videos are insightful, engaging, and funny. She has a fantastic tutorial on Da Vinci Resolve that you may want to check out. But what you need to follow her is for her creative skills that can be seen on her Vlogs and the camera reviews.


Chrystopher is the guy you must follow if you are into camera. There is almost nothing that he doesn’t cover, and you can easily skip schools for his videos. The kind of detail he goes into is something that many experts don’t talk about. From studio setup, recommendations, and reviews on camera and equipments, and tutorials, his channel is a complete package. Being a full-time music video director, Chrystopher also has a video where he talks about earning money with video footage.

    Matti Haapoja

Matti is pretty famous on YouTube as a videographer. From video production, camera reviews, gear recommendations to doing podcasts, Matti offers everything you need to know to produce free stock videos. YouTubers like Matti are also inspiring teachers because you get to see them learning as well. Besides teaching on Udemy, he recently learned using a drone for aerial shots, and you get to witness his improvement on his channel through his videos.

    Johnny & Iz Harris

Johnny and Iz are a couple who talk about world politics, travel, Mexican Coke, and borders. You may wonder, so why are they listed here. The reason is their travel videos are worth watching. Good content always helps you with ideas that you can’t learn just by following the tutors. They hardly give videography tips, but they do have a website that sells courses on travel videography.

    Potato Jet

Potato Jet is the name of the channel produced by Gene Nagata. He also runs another channel with his name. And despite running two channels simultaneously, he is one of the most dedicated YouTubers on the list. Both of his channels get a weekly update without a miss. He is a filmmaker, and he has a lot to say always. Following him regularly keeps you on track with the industry and its current trends. Besides, he also teaches on Udemy and offers few lessons on YouTube from time to time.

You will see that the best of the lot have paid courses on Udemy. But, even their YouTube channels add value and that too equally. Creating HD stock footage is no joke; it requires excellent videography and film-making skills. And one you start getting into the business, you will realize learning never stops. The industry requires you to upgrade yourself and evolve with time. Following these top-notch content creators on YouTube helps you get just that.


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